I’ve been thinking about what I’m doing posting on Twitter and I’m kinda sorta thinking about moving to Mastodon. I’d rather write more on my blog, but I seem to be building an ever-growing drafts directory instead. It’s just too easy to let the perfect defeat the acceptable. My ideas never quite seem complete enough to publish.
But Twitter is different. I type tons of nonsense there and fire away. One thing that helps is not really having the ability to save drafts. (Yes there is a way, but it doesn’t really work the same way as my blog post drafts so I forget they exist.) So I must publish or discard if I want to write something else. As often as not, I just publish.
It’s also easier to include an image than my blog. There are reasons I’m more careful with images on my own site, so it’s worth the effort. But the work to crop and resize images distracts me from writing.
And then there is the perfectionism that comes from my ego. I want my site to show off my best writing. Twitter? Just don’t embarrass myself.
Anyway, I think I’ll try using my free Discourse instance to serve as not-Twitter for a bit. It only allows one new topic draft. Adding an image is robotic:
Maybe some of my writing here will become or inspire writing on my blog. Or maybe I’ll forget about this project in a few weeks.