I've started mirroring my Mastodon posts on my Discourse instance: https://meta.jlericson.com/u/jericson_at_infosec.exchange/activity
Why? Cause I can, I guess?
I've started mirroring my Mastodon posts on my Discourse instance: https://meta.jlericson.com/u/jericson_at_infosec.exchange/activity
Why? Cause I can, I guess?
It's relatively easy to setup using the Discourse ActivityPub plugin. Initially I set it up to put posts I'd tagged as "shared" on Mastodon. But then I discovered it worked the other way too. And that's pretty handy! I recently moved from another Mastodon server without fully understanding that I'd lose my posts and other history. There's probably a good reason for that, but it made me a lot less interested in using this system. Saving stuff I write to an archive solves that problem for the most part.
I'm thinking about how society can recover from our technological decent into the worst combination of transitory attention and permanent records. Is this part of the solution? I don't know, but it has some promise.
@jericson oh, I really REALLY like this for specific posts you have tagged for sharing. My original hestitation was, how do you share entire, in depth back and forth discussions on platforms designed for 280 character posts?
So you can also use the [note] markup to only publish part of a post. I need to remember to use that as it seems like a good way to publicize longer posts.
The Mastodon => Discourse transition can be weird since Discourse needs a title and Mastodon doesn’t.
I'm looking at ATproto (ya know, the blue sky thingy) to get permanence and ownership of my own stuff.