Well, this hits hard on my first day at OpenSSL: If OpenSSL were a GUI
@jericson now do ffmpeg
@jericson at least the GUI isn't paywalled behind a monthly subscription...
@jericson "Your scientists were so busy with whether they could that they didn't question if they should" -- Malcom, paraphrased.
It's (on the surface) ironic how giving more choices can make something less secure. Reason why I refused to touch ipsec.
@jericson WHERE CAN I GET IT!!!!! :-P
@cliffordheath Full disclosure: I'm not the creator, but just the messenger. ;-)
@nicr9 Are we talking about the same thing? OpenSSL is open source and you can get it on GitHub. Maybe you mean commercial support for EOL versions?
@tommythorn I'm sure somebody needs each of these options and it's great to have them available. But maybe not an ideal thing to hand to someone who doesn't breathe security protocols. ;-)
@jericson @jpmens reminds me about the GUI wrapper I wrote for #Alchemy (image conversion and manipulation tool) for a guy who absolutely couldn’t deal with the CLI…
@jericson is this for the CLI tool or the libssl API?
@svuorela I believe it's supposed be a visual of the CLI manpage but there's a lot of overlap.
@jericson the API is a bit weirder than the CLI... Yes. That is possible.
@jericson Next time someone asks me why I think a CLI is way more efficient than a GUI, I'm going to show them this image.